UniProt Idmapping Asynchronous RESTful API
Client sends POST query
POST a query to http://idmapping.uniprot.org/cgi-bin/idmapping_http_client3
to=UniProtKB ID
ids=CCHU A28153
Server responds 202 (Accepted)
Once the server receives the query, it sends out a 202 code and creates a background job
to run mapping process, save the results into a file and comppresses the file.
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
LOCATION: https://idmapping.uniprot.org/cgi-bin/idmapping_http_client3?jobid=DDDDDD&accepted=YES
Server send 303 (See Other) every N seconds
Meantime, he server keeps sending 303 status code every N (5) seconds until it finds out that
the job has been completed (the compression is finished). The value X is incremented
every N seconds.
HTTP/1.1 303 See Other
LOCATION: https://idmapping.uniprot.org/cgi-bin/idmapping_http_client3?jobid=DDDDDD&try=X
Server responds 200 (OK)
If the job is done, it sends out a 200 code with the job ID.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
LOCATION: https://idmapping.uniprot.org/cgi-bin/idmapping_http_client3?jobid=DDDDDD&done=Yes
The compressed mapping result file async.DDDDDD.gz contains
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